We could be a great match, if...
- … you are looking for a new career path.
- … you have the feeling not to live the life you would like to live.
- … you lack a direction in your life.
- … you want to expand your leadership skills in order to create an optimal working environment for you and your team.
- … you feel your life is grey and want to bring back some colour?
Then Coaching might be the best path for yoy.
- You and your company want to create a culture where people can flourish?
- Or you want your team to grow closer together?
- Or you want to experience what a strength approach can do for your team or company?
Then, Training is the best course of action.
The Deeply Content Newsletter
What qualifies me?
Now you have discovered my site and you see a relatively young person in front of you. Maybe you also think, what gives him the right to tell me something about life and how I should live my life best? Fortunately for you and me I don’t do that.
What I do is to ask questions, to share observations and above all to listen. I’m your partner in a game of tennis, so to speak, to whom you can pass the balls at any time and who gives them back so that you can continue playing. The difference is that I see you as my partner and I have your success in mind.
What qualifies me as a good player is my career. Just like others go into a career as a lawyer, nurse, office clerk etc. and are constantly qualifying and learning, I spend my life getting to know myself and other people better and finding out what drives us, gives us strength, makes us happy and lets us act, the way we do.
We all possess at least one piece of the puzzle for the big puzzle of life. My part is to help you to achieve the goals in your life that you want to achieve deep down.
And only You can give me the right to work with You.
Read more about my path and what makes me a good coach and trainer:
I firmly believe that understanding ourselves is the most important job every one of us needs to do in life.
I also belief that this understanding needs to be paired with taking action.
I know that each of us can change and grow as long as we…
- have the belief that we can, meaning that it is in our power
- take ownership of our own destiny
- are ready for it, meaning in the right state of mind

What Price are You Willing to Pay?
Many of us have wishes, goals and ideas about what we still want to achieve in our lives or what our life should look like in the best case. We imagine in our thoughts how nice it would be to achieve this and, if we are good, we even become active to go in the right direction. We make plans and, if we are smart, we get support for difficult tasks or setbacks.

Strengths in Practice: Drawing a Line
With this series, I want to help you explore what strengths we use on a daily basis. In this post: Which strengths do I need to draw a line?

Understanding Strengths: Strengths Moderation
We have heard the phrase or a similar one, “His biggest strength is his biggest weakness”. But how can that be? Shouldn’t strengths and weaknesses be completely different? I mean if something is my strengths it always is right?

What Price are You Willing to Pay?
Many of us have wishes, goals and ideas about what we still want to achieve in our lives or what our life should look like in the best case. We imagine in our thoughts how nice it would be to achieve this and, if we are good, we even become active to go in the right direction. We make plans and, if we are smart, we get support for difficult tasks or setbacks.